Frequently Asked Questions

No, you are welcome to set up your account and templates on your own. However our support team is available to help you with a professional setup at our standard support rate (1€ / minute (net of VAT). The time needed to provide a full setup depends very much on your business model, company structure and the quality of data provided. A standard setup for BOOKING will take 2-5 hours, for LABEL 6-10 hours. For more information, please contact us!

No. You can cancel your account at any time and we do not charge any fees for that.

Yes, all accounts have a data export facility built in. If you need us to export your data, we will charge the time needed at our current support rate.

Sure! Details offers skype screenshare presentations. Please email or complete our online contact form and we will contact you!

Sure. Please email or complete our online contact form and we will contact you with additional options to skype or make a phone calls.

No, you have the option of paying monthly or annually. If you pay monthly your credit card will be billed each month. If you pay annually you will be charged manually every 12 months.

Absolutely. Our state of the art cloud hosting, provided by Amazon Web Services, provides constant backup of all databases and highly secure storage. Additional Information is available on

For the automatic monthly billing we accept Visa, MasterCard and American Express, and you will be billed in Euros. We also offer manual billing, but manual invoices will include a 20 € automatic bank charge for extra time and handling. To avoid the extra charge, please use the automatic credit card billing. If you choose an annual pre-payment instead of the monthly billing we will give you a discount on user fees.

For using this service the browser Mozilla Firefox is required as well as a state of the art network environment with broadband internet access.

If you decide that details is not for you, you can export your records and then cancel your account. Upon cancellation of your account your data will be deleted, unless you wish us to preserve your database for a later return.

If you choose the automatic monthly billing, your credit card or SEPA bank account will be charged on the 1st of each month for the previous month until you cancel.

If you choose a annual package, we will send you an invoice upfront which needs to be paid to use the service for the specified year. Upfront payments are not refundable."